Calling all knackered history teachers! Do you want to inspire your Year 5s to Year 8s with a hunger for history? Do you want to get your class crazy for the past, and truly engaged around world-changing events from the Battle of Hasting to the Moon Landings. (Yes, they did happen. Just ask the Clangers).
If that sounds appealing (but a lot of hard work) then we have a no-sweat solution for you. Hot from the Schools Festival at Chalke Valley History Festival, we’re taking our RIOTOUS ROMP THROUGH HISTORY into classrooms everywhere!
Our interactive workshop is high on energy, and bursting with exhilarating facts about the key events and figures in history. We get kids energised about the past, and the characters that transformed it. Students are encouraged to exercise their imaginations and get under the skin of the most divine and dastardly agents for change the world has ever known! We make the past resonate with young kids, and turn historical figures from dusty, old things to glamorous stars, and relatable heroes and heroines.
We can bespoke our workshop to ‘speak’ to wherever your students are in the curriculum, and offer marvellous (and meaty) lesson worksheets to consolidate the facts...and the fun! Kids come away feeling part of history (gulp!) and inspired to join in with our crazy, creative enterprise: to produce a book that leaps and bounds through A Nick in Time.
We’re a small (crack) team, and are already booking up through Sept-Nov 22. Our Christmas workshop is a JOY TO BEHOLD. (Seriously, it’ll take you until January to recover).
Get in touch now to avoid disappointment (we’ve always wanted to write that!)
Just drop a line to Tash bell at hello@nickintime.org.uk.
Let’s bring brilliant kids together to make history happen!

Calling all knackered history teachers! Do you want to inspire your Year 5s to Year 8s with a hunger for history? Do you want to get your class crazy for the past, and truly engaged around world-changing events from the Battle of Hasting to the Moon Landings. (Yes, they did happen. Just ask the Clangers).
If that sounds appealing (but a lot of hard work) then we have a no-sweat solution for you. Hot from the Schools Festival at Chalke Valley History Festival, we’re taking our RIOTOUS ROMP THROUGH HISTORY into classrooms everywhere!
Our interactive workshop is high on energy, and bursting with exhilarating facts about the key events and figures in history. We get kids energised about the past, and the characters that transformed it. Students are encouraged to exercise their imaginations and get under the skin of the most divine and dastardly agents for change the world has ever known! We make the past resonate with young kids, and turn historical figures from dusty, old things to glamorous stars, and relatable heroes and heroines.
We can bespoke our workshop to ‘speak’ to wherever your students are in the curriculum, and offer marvellous (and meaty) lesson worksheets to consolidate the facts...and the fun! Kids come away feeling part of history (gulp!) and inspired to join in with our crazy, creative enterprise: to produce a book that leaps and bounds through A Nick in Time.
We’re a small (crack) team, and are already booking up through Sept-Nov 22. Our Christmas workshop is a JOY TO BEHOLD. (Seriously, it’ll take you until January to recover).
Get in touch now to avoid disappointment (we’ve always wanted to write that!)
Just drop a line to Tash bell at hello@nickintime.org.uk.
Let’s bring brilliant kids together to make history happen!

Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!
Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!