When all of history sits on your doorstep,
the adventures never end!

A Serialised Novel suggested by Readers

A Nick in Time History Getting Crafty with History

Seeking inspiration for a crazy-cool craft project?  Nowhere better to look than the past!

Recently we got to mucking about with modelling clay (always a dangerous idea) and came up with this gem of a jewellery-making project. (I know, we’re hilarious).

Make An Amelia Earhart Necklace Charm
Step 15

What You Need

  • Modelling clay in colours yellow, orange, black, brown, white and red. (We use Fimo, which you can buy in individual colours from art shops and Amazon).
  • Wire or jewellery-making necklace hook
  • Wire cutters (though scissors would be fine)
  • Necklace chain
What you need

How to Do it

1 - Squish together two small pieces of orange and white clay, kneading until the two colours blend into a flesh colour.


2 - Pull off a tiny chunk of the flesh-coloured clay, and put to the side.


3 - Roll the rest of the clay in your palms to make a sphere.


4 - Squish the bottom of the sphere against a flat surface. It will sit easier on your chest when you turn it into a pendant.


5 - You know that tiny chunk from step 2? Roll it into a ball, pinch at the top to turn it into a nose, and stick it onto your sphere.


6 - Break off two small bits of white clay; roll them into balls, then flatten into pancakes. Stick them either side of the nose - these are the whites of the eye. To make the pupils, do the same with teeeeeny balls of black clay.


7 - Roll a piece of red clay to form a long, thin sausage. Curve it into a U shape, then stick under the nose to create a smile!


8 - Roll out a piece of brown clay to form a long, Thick sausage. Flatten it, and place over the top of her head to make her hat.


9 - Another thin sausage now; this time in black clay. Stick it around the front of her hat.


10 - Pull off two balls of white clay, squish them into goggle shapes and stick together. Using black clay, create a long, very thin sausage to outline the goggles. Fasten them onto Amelia’s head band.


11 - Woohoo! Your head is done! Now to turn it into a necklace…


12 - Cut off some wire using the scissors/wire cutter (We like to cut off more than we need, just in case!) If you’re tiny, or not to be trusted, make sure an adult supervises this step.


13 - Bend the wire to form a necklace hook, then squish the ends into the top of Amelia’s Soft, Squidgy Skull!! And if that seems a bit cannibal...


14 - Cook her head! Baking your pendant for a couple of minutes (in a moderate temperature oven, 180 degrees C) will set it hard. Place it on a piece of baking paper, so the head doesn’t stick to your baking tray (that would make for one Big, hot medallion).


15 - Loop a chain through your hook, and your necklace is finished! What historical character will you make next? As Amelia Earhart would tell you, the sky’s the limit!

Step 5
Step 10
Step 12
Step 13
Step 13
Step 14
Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart, born in 1897, was a legendary aviator and female pioneer. In an era when flying was largely dominated by men, Amelia became a celebrity, breaking many records including First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935 she planned a flight around the world, setting off on what would have been the longest route ever accomplished by a man or woman, but she disappeared from the skies somewhere over the Pacific. What happened to her is one of the greatest mysteries of all time, and many people have come up with theories about it. What do you think could’ve happened? Send us your ideas, and we’ll post them here. Even better, write a short story based around the mystery of her disappearance, and you could win our Writing Contest.


Seeking inspiration for a crazy-cool craft project?  Nowhere better to look than the past!

Recently we got to mucking about with modelling clay (always a dangerous idea) and came up with this gem of a jewellery-making project. (I know, we’re hilarious).

Make An Amelia Earhart Necklace Charm
Step 15

What You Need

  • Modelling clay in colours yellow, orange, black, brown, white and red. (We use Fimo, which you can buy in individual colours from art shops and Amazon).
  • Wire or jewellery-making necklace hook
  • Wire cutters (though scissors would be fine)
  • Necklace chain
What you need

How to Do it

1 - Squish together two small pieces of orange and white clay, kneading until the two colours blend into a flesh colour.


2 - Pull off a tiny chunk of the flesh-coloured clay, and put to the side.

3 - Roll the rest of the clay in your palms to make a sphere.

4 - Squish the bottom of the sphere against a flat surface. It will sit easier on your chest when you turn it into a pendant.

5 - You know that tiny chunk from step 2? Roll it into a ball, pinch at the top to turn it into a nose, and stick it onto your sphere.

Step 5

6 - Break off two small bits of white clay; roll them into balls, then flatten into pancakes. Stick them either side of the nose - these are the whites of the eye. To make the pupils, do the same with teeeeeny balls of black clay.


7 - Roll a piece of red clay to form a long, thin sausage. Curve it into a U shape, then stick under the nose to create a smile!

8 - Roll out a piece of brown clay to form a long, Thick sausage. Flatten it, and place over the top of her head to make her hat.

9 - Another thin sausage now; this time in black clay. Stick it around the front of her hat.


10 - Pull off two balls of white clay, squish them into goggle shapes and stick together. Using black clay, create a long, very thin sausage to outline the goggles. Fasten them onto Amelia’s head band.

Step 10

11 - Woohoo! Your head is done! Now to turn it into a necklace…

12 - Cut off some wire using the scissors/wire cutter (We like to cut off more than we need, just in case!) If you’re tiny, or not to be trusted, make sure an adult supervises this step.

Step 12
Step 13

13 - Bend the wire to form a necklace hook, then squish the ends into the top of Amelia’s Soft, Squidgy Skull!! And if that seems a bit cannibal...

Step 13

14 - Cook her head! Baking your pendant for a couple of minutes (in a moderate temperature oven, 180 degrees C) will set it hard. Place it on a piece of baking paper, so the head doesn’t stick to your baking tray (that would make for one BIG, hot medallion).

Step 14

15 - Loop a chain through your hook, and your necklace is finished! What historical character will you make next? As Amelia Earhart would tell you, the sky’s the limit!

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart, born in 1897, was a legendary aviator and female pioneer. In an era when flying was largely dominated by men, Amelia became a celebrity, breaking many records including First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935 she planned a flight around the world, setting off on what would have been the longest route ever accomplished by a man or woman, but she disappeared from the skies somewhere over the Pacific. What happened to her is one of the greatest mysteries of all time, and many people have come up with theories about it. What do you think could’ve happened? Send us your ideas, and we’ll post them here. Even better, write a short story based around the mystery of her disappearance, and you could win our Writing Contest.


Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!

Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!
