The Nick in Time project started in the murky depths of lockdown. Aware we were in the grips of HISTORY HAPPENING (and not liking it much) a gang of us started writing and illustrating a story set in a fictional world where ALL OF HISTORY WAS HAPPENING, all at once!

We dispatched our first instalment to fellow history buffs by post (and pedal power. Most of the buffs lived up the road, to be honest. It was a simpler time then).
Every instalment went out with an appeal to our readers for ideas: Where in history could our heroine travel next? What famous figure from the past could she meet? And what trouble could she get into!
Inspired by the suggestions that came in, our story grew – along with our list of subscribers. This year the brilliant folk at Chalke Valley History Festival have invited us to throw an interactive event at their Festival for Schools.
It’s inspired us to get our history buff butts into gear! Don’t worry, they’re very buff butts (all that pedalling, remember). We’ve stuck up our ‘story so far’ on these pages. Subscribe to our newsletter, and be first to get the next instalments as we write them. Crucially, get a say in what happens next!
Because that’s the thing about A Nick in Time it’s unfolding one surprise after another – just like history! No-one knows where the adventure will take us next (least of all us writing it). And just like history, it’s great kids like you who change the course of events, and MAKE THE BEST STUFF HAPPEN!
Starting with this website: please help us fill it! (Seriously, we’re getting tired here). Are you busy with a history-inspired craft project? Show us what you’re getting up to! Any great sightseeing trips you’ve been on? Send us the pics! Any great stories you’re writing? Mad myths, fantasy Vikings, sword-clashing knights – enter them all into our rolling Short Story/ Tall Tales competition. Share your story with the world (then get on, and write another one!)
When you do have to peel yourself off our pages to go to school, get us along! We throw high-energy history workshops for schools and produce fun, fact-filled lesson worksheets. If you’re Years 5-8, let us fill your history boots!

The Nick in Time project started in the murky depths of lockdown. Aware we were in the grips of HISTORY HAPPENING (and not liking it much) a gang of us started writing and illustrating a story set in a fictional world where All OF HISTORY WAS HAPPENING, all at once!

We dispatched our first instalment to fellow history buffs by post (and pedal power. Most of the buffs lived up the road, to be honest. It was a simpler time then).
Every instalment went out with an appeal to our readers for ideas: Where in history could our heroine travel next? What famous figure from the past could she meet? And what trouble could she get into!
Inspired by the suggestions that came in, our story grew – along with our list of subscribers. This year the brilliant folk at Chalke Valley History Festival have invited us to throw an interactive event at their Festival for Schools.
It’s inspired us to get our history buff butts into gear! Don’t worry, they’re very buff butts (all that pedalling, remember). We’ve stuck up our ‘story so far’ on these pages. Subscribe to our newsletter, and be first to get the next instalments as we write them. Crucially, get a say in what happens next!
Because that’s the thing about A Nick in Time it’s unfolding one surprise after another – just like history! No-one knows where the adventure will take us next (least of all us writing it). And just like history, it’s great kids like you who change the course of events, and MAKE THE BEST STUFF HAPPEN!
Starting with this website: please help us fill it! (Seriously, we’re getting tired here). Are you busy with a history-inspired craft project? Show us what you’re getting up to! Any great sightseeing trips you’ve been on? Send us the pics! Any great stories you’re writing? Mad myths, fantasy Vikings, sword-clashing knights – enter them all into our rolling Short Story/ Tall Tales competition. Share your story with the world (then get on, and write another one!)
When you do have to peel yourself off our pages to go to school, get us along! We throw high-energy history workshops for schools and produce fun, fact-filled lesson worksheets. If you’re Years 5-8, let us fill your history boots!

Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!
Email us to get more ideas for history fun. BE FIRST to read new Nick in Time chapters as we write ‘em!